Procedure for Submitting Revised Files

To ensure a smooth processing of your revised files, please follow these steps:

  1. Upload the complete updated edition (PDF or ZIP file) to the FTP server;

  2. Create a new, empty Notepad (.txt) file. In this file, please include any reprocessing information, such as “Page 10 is updated, please reclip.”;

  3. Save this Notepad file using the same naming convention as the initial upload, but change the file extension to .repr (format: PUBCODE_YYYYMMDD.repr). Place this file in the same location as the uploaded PDF or ZIP;

  4. Our system will automatically scan the FTP server for .repr files and will process the revised feed.

Note: Always use the same date and name as the original initial feed that was uploaded prior to the revisions.


  • Original file: PUBCODE_YYYYMMDD.pdf

  • Revised file: PUBCODE_YYYYMMDD.repr

Dowload a sample .repr file here